Booking Fee’s

  • When booking your appointment, you will be required to place a 35% booking fee for selected services. This ensures your appointment is secured and confirmed. Booking fees are strictly non-refundable.

  • If you change or cancel your appointment within 48 hours of your appointment date, or do not attend a booked appointment, we reserve the right to retain your booking fee or apply a no-show fee of 80% of the treatment cost.

  • If more than 48 hours’ notice is given, your booking fee will be transferred to your next appointment or added to your file as a credit.

Eyebrow Tattoo Booking Fee’s

  • A fee of 35% is required to make a booking. Booking fees for tattooing are strictly non-refundable/transferable.

  • Any changes must be made 7 days prior to your appointment, or you will simply forfeit your booking fee, to rebook you will be required to transfer a new booking fee.

  • If more than 7 days notice is given, your booking fee will be transferred to your next appointment or added to your file as a credit.

Cancellations & Refunds

  • We require at least 48 hours’ notice to be given for any appointment date change or cancellation.

  • If you change or cancel your appointment within 48 hours of your appointment date, or do not attend a booked appointment, we reserve the right to retain your booking fee or apply a no show fee of 80% of the treatment cost.

  • In the case of pre-paid treatments, the full cost of treatment will be forfeited.

  • We do not refund any amount of money for change of mind or due to a clients unhappiness with their final results. We will offer an additional appointment free of charge to rectify any concerns.

  • For us to provide you with a great service it is important that you provide all information requested in completing consent forms or advising us of any factors that may affect your treatments. You also need to have realistic expectations of the results of treatment. We encourage you to work with your therapist on what you want to achieve with your treatment.

Referral Program T’c & C’s

  • Referral rewards have an expiry of 3 months from the time the referral card has been presented.

  • The voucher must be handed to a therapist at the time of redemption.

  • Vouchers with a monetary value are valid for services only, no retail products.

  • Referral offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion.

Gift Vouchers

  • All full priced gift vouchers have an expiry of 3 years.

  • Any discounted gift vouchers have an expiry of 6 months.

  • Gift vouchers may be used in one or more transactions.